Black Eagle Taekwon-Do
Registration deadline:
Fri March 17, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EET almost 2 years ago
Black Belt and Advanced categories (juniors/seniors): €40
Color belt categories (seniors): €35
Color belt categories (juniors): €25
Registration deadline is Friday 17 March. Registrations after Sunday 12 March incur a late fee of €20.
General Information
Dear Taekwon-Do friends,
It is with great pleasure that I would like to invite you all to the 4th edition of the Black Eagle International Taekwon-Do Open. The event will be held in Tampere on the 25-26.3.2023 and will include sparring and patterns. Round robin will be used for patterns and sparring for the Black Belt patterns and sparring categories to allow the maximum rounds for competitors.
With the European Championships being held in late April, this is a great opportunity for your teams to add an extra event to their preparation before the championships.
We hope to see you in Tampere and we will do our upmost to make your stay pleasant and fun.
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Master Thierry Meyour VIII Dan
Black Eagle Taekwon-Do Head Instructor
Event coordinator.